Below is a list of information you will need to provide when applying for assistance:
Higher Education:
- Education Application
- Copy of Registered Classes (showing Units being taken)
- Acceptance Letter if available
- Continued Education…last semester grades with new semester schedule
Vocational Training:
- Education Application
- Brochure/info from Vocational College
- Copy of registered classes with length of program ü Any information regarding your course/costs
Direct Employment Assistance:
- Education Application
- Attach a statement regarding “why you are in dire need of this assistance, materials, tools, clothing, etc… and how it will be beneficial to you ü Letter from employer with date of hire, rate of pay, and hours worked per week; if uniforms or supplies/equipment/tools are required this needs to be on the letter as well.
- Supply quotes, documents, invoices, documentation regarding your requests with a breakdown of Vendor Location, Quantity, and Cost per item, Calculate Total.