Tribal Forms Section

We will keep an updated list of all the needed forms here.


  1. Kashia_Application_Employment (Download and fill out) -2024.pdf
    1. a- Employment Application ( Fillable – Online Updated 11-1-21 )
  2. I-9 Employment Eligibility Form – GOVERMENT FORM – Updated 11-2-21.pdf
  3. Tribal Benefit Direct Deposit Form ( Online Fillable )
  4. Change of Address Form ( NEW – ONLINE FILLABLE / Signable )
  5. Enrollment Application
  6. Volunteer Application
  7. ID Card Form
    1. ID Card Fillable Form ( Updated 11-14-21 )

Education ( Adult and Youth  Programs )

  1. Adult Education Application.pdf
    1. ( Adult Education Application – NEW – ONLINE FILLABLE / Signable )
  2. Adult Education Policy.pdf
  3. KYS Policy2024.pdf
  4. Kashia Youth Services Grades / Promotion Application.pdf
    1. (Kashia Youth Services Grades / Promotion Application- NEW – ONLINE FILLABLE / Signable )
  5. Kashia Youth Services Sports Activities Application.pdf
  6. Direct Employment Application.pdf
  7. RAC Youth Form Sec 10.pdf


  1. Revised 2025 Tribal Direct_Deposit_Agreement_Form.pdf
  2. Revenue Sharing Stop Payment Application Form.pdf
  3. Taxpayer W-9 Form.pdf
  4. Payroll Direct deposit form – Please contact office for information
  5. Tribal Member Income Verification Form ( Online Fillable )


  1. Rental Assistance Policy 2014.pdf
  2. Application Instructions for Rental Assist Program ( MS Word required )
  3. Housing Services Application.pdf
  6. WORK ORDER REQUEST ( Microsoft Excel Required )
  7. Rancheria Work Authorization for Services Form ( MS Word required )
  8. Temp. Emergency Housing Assistance Policy 2017.pdf
  9. Rancheria Housing Waitlist Ap.pdf

Services – Other

  1. Burial Assistance Application.pdf 
  2. Member Services Application
  3. Rancheria Community Center Use Policy
  4. Rancheria Community Center Use Agreement and Indemnification
  5. Sell Your Art Policy
  6. Sell Your Art Contract
  7. Sell Your Art Inventory

To View all other forms use Acrobat

If you do not own a copy of Microsoft Word or Excel – you can download “Open office” and install it on your computer :

We take no responsibility to damage caused while installing any program on your computer.