November 28, 2023


Dear Tribal Members,


The Tribe has received the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Grant, funded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce. To address the needs during this past COVID 19 pandemic the Federal Government has allocated funds to increase broadband connectivity in all communities including rural and underserved.

The Kashia Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program will address the digital divide on Tribal Lands, assist members with Internet access including broadband and digital inclusion planning, training, and providing technical support and capacity building for Tribal institutions.


The Tribe proposes three specific categories of activities within the overall Use & Adoption program:

  1. Providing broadband bill payment assistance for Tribal Members with demonstrated need.
  2. Ensuring that the Transitional Housing facility (HOMEKEY) has sufficient, reliable broadband connectivity.
  3. Providing iPads and training to our Elders to promote family and community connections and inclusion.


To coordinate these activities, the Tribe has hired a Broadband Coordinator to assist in reaching our goals and objectives (assist 375 residents)


Eligibility Criteria for Financial Assistance through this program are as follows:


  • Must be an enrolled Member of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians
  • Must submit proof of address. This could include an internet bill in the Tribal Member’s name or a copy of a housing agreement (as a renter or sublease) that documents the Tribal Member applicant’s place of residency.
  • Only one application will be considered per residence.
  • Must show proof of need, either no Internet or an Internet speed less than 25/3.
  • Assist up to $65 a month for Internet service.

Elders also qualify to receive an iPad and will be asked to sign a form acknowledging they received the iPad and the training from the Broadband Coordinator.


You can pick up an application at the Tribal Office located at 1420 Guerneville Road suite#1 Santa Rosa, Ca 95403 or Click on Application Below.  For addition questions please contact Aaron Want (Broadband Outreach Coordinator) at (707) 591-0580 or at

Thank You,   Tribal Staff


Application Broadband 11-2023.pdf